Monday, October 6, 2014

Good Nutrition & Convenience Can Go Hand-In-Hand - Herbalife

This is another thing I have a hard time with--for convenience's sake, I often choose poor nutritional food items and blow my whole plan. Here's a great article from our Herbalife people addressing that.

Good Nutrition & Convenience Can Go Hand-In-Hand - Herbalife

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ditch the sugar-y soft drinks, and go for H2O!!!

This is so true! I do my best to stay away from sodas. I don't even enjoy them any more. Try these flavor combos for your water:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Food Cravings

We all get'em. Here's a good little chart to show how to deal with food cravings.
Thanks to @tamoka13 from Instagram for the post.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A juicing recipe I found...

I'll have to try this. I often juce, and add two scoops of Formula 1 to the mix. It tastes great, and adds protein to the juice. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Herbalife Herbal Tea Concentrate

I love it! I drink the peach flavor, and often I mix it with Herbalife's Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate. But, I couldn't put into words any better than @healthcoachrosa from Instagram wrote:
Let me know when you're ready to order! 

Friday, September 26, 2014

You can make it happen!

Without being cliche, seriously—if I can do it, anyone can. As I progress with this blog, and you get to know me better, you'll see.  So join me, let's stay focused, and envision the kind of physique you want for yourself! Let's make it happen!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Herbalife Formula 1 Pralines & Cream flavor!

This is a great flavor, and it's only available for a limited time. Let me know if you want to place an order, and ask me how to get 15% off. Send me an email at and put "Herbalife" in the subject line.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Special Pricing on Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal Shake Mix

If I've given you a special promotional price on Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal Shake Mix, here's the payment page. The price covers tax and shipping. If we have not discussed pricing, and you just happened to have found this blog, send me an email for more information and to place an order.
Please allow me 24 hours to enter the order, and 2-4 days shipping. Also, it would be a huge help (since I'm placing these orders myself)  in the "Please Specify Flavor" box below, if you'd put your name in front of the flavor, for example:  "Nicki - Dutch Chocolate".  I forgot to put that in the code when I built the code for this page. Sorry!

Thank you again for putting your faith in me as a trainer and nutrition coach, and in the company I represent.

Please specify flavor

Please note that I am an independent Herbalife representative. The Herbalife company is not responsible for, and does not endorse this page or any of the contents in this blog.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Welcome to Shooey's new blog!

My name is Mark "Shoehead" Edrys, and I'm a personal trainer and Herbalife Independent Distributor and Nutrition Coach.  I'm dedicated to helping people lose weight, get more energy, live a more healthy life, and most importantly, feel better about themselves.  I have several other blogs, but this one will be dedicated to fitness, nutrition, and motivation.

I personally have major food issues. I'm a "foodie" and I have a mild depression; as well as health issues involving my heart. I do my best to live a healthy, active life, and keep a good, balanced healthy diet.  I struggle with my poor eating habits, as do most Americans. As my father once described, "I have a sweet tooth like a six-year old, and the will power of a gerbil."  But with discipline, motivation, help from my friends, and a positive attitude, I stick to my exercise program. Going on the basic Herbalife program, in addition to exercising, I lost 30 pounds, from an all-time high of 250.  it's my hope with this blog, I can help  and inspire other people, and to really illustrate, "If I can do it, anyone can do it!"

Thank you for joining me on this journey.  Please feel free to contact me.